Expletives and Aloha – a trip to the California DMV

Only one word comes to mind when you arrive at the DMV, and the line is out the door before 8:30 AM…Fuck.

Only one word comes to mind...
Only one word came to mind…


California Department of Motor Vehicles; not to be confused with what some people are calling the area surrounding and including DC. The two experiences couldn’t be any different unless you’re talking about the DC DMV in which case I can draw a parallax. It took me three hours to get an ID card in 1998. So…I’m at the actual DMV, updating the address on my license. I figure knowing my affinity for Southern California isn’t waning anytime soon…might as well go ahead and put a Hawaii address on my California license. Besides, I don’t want a rainbow on my ID; I’m not McLovin. Well not entirely.

he reception was awful inside, so record buying turned into blog writing.  Most people don’t have their experience at the DMV turn into a pleasant one.  Of course, you’re glad you got your documents, tags, or test completed.  But how often do you have an engaging conversation about a topic that you’re passionate?  Sandy (the clerk that updated my info) and I talked about records and wearing glasses.

McLovin is feeling the Aloha

When she told me she had a Crosley, I didn’t wince or cringe.  I’m glad that people are getting involved with records at any level.  I told her she’d be upgrading, but what was most meaningful was maximizing her enjoyment from her current setup.  I asked did she have the quintessential record cleaning tools.  Sadly, she did not. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, click here.  I shared some tips and gave her a card. So if you’re reading this Sandy, Aloha!

Speaking of loving, I have thoroughly enjoyed the time spent in “America’s Finest City” which is also my favorite city. There has been great food, comedy, long walks, sunsets. I have checked most of my mandatory boxes, but I have not bought any records.

This is due to three reasons:

1. My new piece of luggage isn’t big enough – a week here took about as full of a suitcase as I would pack to avoid overcrowding. I have a sincere sense of loathing for ironing, steaming, and pressing. Not skills that were in the queue when it came time to choose life skills. I pack accordingly. Neatly folded and organized is how I like my luggage.

2.  I like to carry on my records. Treating them like the precious cargo, they are getting strapped in on their way home from the record store; this is as close as I’ve gotten to caring for children.  Their wellbeing is in my best interest.  I haven’t seen anyone check their children; yet.

3.  I haven’t visited  Stereo Unlimited, which houses an excellent record room. I say “room” because they are not a record store. They are a Hi-fi shop that’s been serving San Diego for 33 years, and where I picked up more than a few components of my system.

Walk down a dimly lit hallway, as you pass by rooms full of top notch gear…and at the end of the hall on the right is what you see in the video above.  You can find all of the contemporary audiophile pressings from nearly every label, and a good selection of classical, jazz, and rock.  If you’re looking for hip-hop this isn’t your shop (they do special orders though).

Here are my digs:

Digs from San Diego
Digs from San Diego



So when you find yourself in “America’s Finest City”, stop by Stereo Unlimited and tell them Tom sent you; with Aloha.

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As always, keep spinning.






Author: Tom

Founder of Vinyl for The People, sailor, gin drinker, son, friend, lover, vinyl collector, and appreciative of the life I've created.

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